Give Yourself the Best Spa Water Experience Imaginable!

Spas are meant for relaxation and you deserve it! However, when using traditional chemicals and all of the complicated upkeep that comes with water care you are often left wondering if it's actually really worth it. Let Waters Choice help!

Waters Choice Leads the Way

Our enzymes LEAD THE WAY when it comes to premium hot tub/spa water treatment care.

In addition, our unique, proprietary formula is specifically designed for your hot water.

Waters Choice enzymes will eliminate the need for excessive chemicals that waste your time and hard earned money.

Waters choice spa enzymes boise idaho
Waters choice spa enzymes boise idaho

It's All About the Water

Yes! Sparkling, clear, soft and pH-balanced water is completely worth it. Furthermore, it's time for you to enjoy the amazing health benefits of soaking in your hot tub. As a matter of fact, Waters Choice enzymes will help you achieve this and more in one simple step.

You can trust us!

Benefits of Spa Enzymes

*No chemical smell and no need to shower afterwards because of that smell.

*It's EASY! Minimal water testing is involved when using Waters Choice enzymes. Simply add them to your water, test pH and clean your filters.

*Our enzymes are ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY … YES! You'll literally change your hot tub water once a year which is much LESS often than using traditional chemicals.

*LESS EXPENSIVE to use. Waters Choice enzymes save you money because you aren't purchasing the other chemical products available on the market.

Waters choice spa enzymes boise idaho

*Enzymes won't irritate your skin and eyes.

*Enzymes are easy on your spa equipment. Therefore, no wear and tear on your pumps or plumbing lines.


We look forward to helping you solve a few of your water problems by giving our enzymes a try. Our customer service team is excellent and we don't mind phone calls. So, don't hesitate to give us a call or email us with any questions, we are happy to help.

Waters choice spa enzymes boise idaho

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