My Swimming Pool Water is GREEN – Help!

At Waters Choice, we find that one of the most frustrating things for swimming pool owners is when pool water is green. It can be difficult to determine what the problem is and how to tackle it the quickest way possible. Most likely the culprit is algae or phosphates.

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Pool Party Maintenance Tips

The end of summer is near. Soon kids will be working on school work and the weather will grow cooler. This means that it’s the perfect time to have a pool party NOW and enjoy the remaining days of summer weather! Pool parties are always a great time and it’s hard to beat good friends, good drinks, BBQ and fun in the water.

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Showering Before You Swim

Our enzyme products are extremely effective for keeping your pool as clear as possible. We truly believe that if you use our system you’ll enjoy cleaner, healthier and more pleasant water. However, it’s still wise to combine our water treatment with pool etiquette.

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Green Water and Phosphates

Seeing green in your swimming pool water?! Unfortunately, pool water turning green is a common issue. Furthermore, do you feel like you’re spending countless dollars and numerous hours at the pool store trying to figure out the solution?

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