No Need to Be a Chemist – Spa Care/Starter Kits

Hot tubs provide an excellent way to unwind and relax with family and friends in the privacy of your home and backyard. Taking care of a hot tub should be as easy as soaking in it. However, many people shy away from purchasing one because of the maintenance. However, Waters Choice will turn your spa care from confusion to simple- overnight!

At Waters Choice we've created what we call Spa Startup Kits that'll make it super easy for you to maintain your spa water. Everything you'll need is in one box!

These kits utilize either our monthly application enzymes or our concentrated enzymes as well as pH Up, pH Down, Sanitizer, and test strips. These are full sized products. Also included are INSTRUCTIONS — both Easy Startup Instructions and complete, more in-depth instructions for those looking for more information.

Startup Kits with Monthly Applications

Equally important, our Waters Choice 7 month startup/care kit uses the 2 oz Spa Enzyme CONCENTRATE, which is a 6 month supply of enzymes (adding a capful every other week).

Along with that, it also contains one bottle of the Pure Enzymes for the first month only of startup.

The 7 month kit includes — only 1, 12 oz PURE ENZYMES Startup & Monthly Application and 1– 2oz SPA ENZYME CONCENTRATE which is a 6 month supply – hence the 7 months.

Remember, the 2 oz product must be added EVERY two weeks where the 12 oz product is only once a month.

Water's choice startup kits
Water's choice startup kits

A Great New Feeling

The first thing you'll notice is that you won't feel like a chemist when using our enzyme products.

Instead of adding a variety of chemicals to your spa once, twice, or even three time a week, we ask that you add our enzyme treatments at the most — twice a month.

And instead of changing the water two to six times a year, we recommend changing your water once a year using our spa purge called Clean & Drain.Save time by cutting out time-consuming maintenance.

Save money by cutting out the extra product and chemical costs, preventing equipment from wearing out as often, and reducing the amount of costly repairs needed.

Save your health by significantly reducing the amount of oderous, dangerous chemicals and preventing burning eyes, dry irritated skin and damaged hair and bathing suits.

Water's choice startup kits

Peace of Mind

Enjoy peace of mind and use our safe, powerful non toxic natural enzymes and enjoy all the benefits your spa has to offer without the hassle.