Frequently Asked Pool Questions

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<p>Pool chemicals are important to the safety of your pool. But things can get complicated and confusing. Especially when figuring out what chemicals are needed and how much is needed to attain that optimum balance between comfort and sanitation. Here are a few frequently asked questions about pool chemicals that may help you both care for your pool AND enjoy it:</p>

<h2>Is My Pool&rsquo;s Water Chemistry Correct?</h2>

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<p>The perfect <a href="">balance</a> of your pool chemicals is three fold:</p>

<p>1) it gives you a pleasant swimming experience</p>

<p>2) it sanitizes your pool water and</p>

<p>3) it protects your pool and equipment so they work properly.</p>

<p>Any imbalance, whether something is too basic or acidic can negatively affect one or all three of these elements.</p>

<h2>Correct Balance for My Pool Water?</h2>

<p>Figuring out the amount of chemical and proportion of chemical can be hard but the perfect balance will achieve an enjoyable and sanitized swim.</p>

<p>At the present time, the basic guidelines for proper chemical balance in pools are the following:</p>

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<p>pH: 7.2 &ndash; 7.6</p>

<p>Total Alkalinity: 120 &ndash; 150 ppm (parts per million)</p>

<p>Calcium Hardness:200 &ndash; 250 ppm or 175-225 for vinyl pools</p>

<p>Free Chlorine:1 &ndash; 3 ppm <b>*However if you&rsquo;re using Waters Choice enzymes you can use less chlorine. We recommend .5 -1 ppm with our enzymes.</b></p>

<h2>How Often Do I Test My Pool Water?</h2>

<p>When using traditional chemicals, you should test your pool&rsquo;s pH and chlorine levels at least once a week. In brief, it&rsquo;s preferable to check twice a week in the summer months when your pool is used most often. During intense high temperatures you may have to check these levels daily.</p>

<p>The good news is that when using <a href="">Waters Choice enzymes</a> (and once they are established), you may only have to test your pool water ONCE a MONTH.</p>

<h2>When Do I Shock My Pool?</h2>

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<p>Using Waters Choice pool <a href="">enzymes</a> <em>eliminates the need to shock your pool</em>. However, if you don&rsquo;t use our enzymes, you&rsquo;ll need to go ahead and shock your pool.</p>

<p>A good indicator of when to shock is the presence of a strong chlorine smell. This strong smell is from the build up of chloramines, which come from using a lot of chlorine.</p>

<p>The strong chlorine smell is the result of chloramines interacting with outside contaminates such as sunscreen, hairspray, body oils and even urine.</p>

<p>Under these circumstance it&rsquo;s good to point out that Waters Choice pool enzymes break down these contaminants <b>eliminating</b> the need for shock all together.</p>

<p>Our enzymes allow the <a href="">chlorine</a> to be efficient in what it does best. The chloramines also contribute to red, stinging eyes.</p>

<h2>Can I Use Last Seasons Pool Chemicals?</h2>

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<p>Using pool chemicals by their expiration date is a good idea. They may not be as effective afterwards and can actually alter the balance of your pool water.</p>

<p>Furthermore, NEVER dispose of expired pool chemicals in your trash, down the drain, or in the toilet.Instead, contact your local waste management department or hazardous waste facility to dispose of them properly.</p>

<p>Keep in mind, if you use Waters Choice <a href="">pool enzyme water treatment</a>, make sure its kept out of direct sunlight as the UV rays will deteriorate the product.</p>

<p>It&rsquo;s also good to note that after the first year, our enzymes will lose about 10% of their effectiveness and each year after that.</p>

<p>Additionally, when using Waters Choice pool enzymes you can cut out all of your opening and closing chemicals.</p>

<p>This alone will save you money and chemical exposure.</p>

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<h2>How Long Do I Have to Wait After Applying Treatments?</h2>

<p>When using traditional chemical systems (chlorine) you should wait until all chemicals are fully dispersed. If you shock your pool, you should wait until the chlorine level drops back down to the recommended level.</p>

<p>It&rsquo;s recommended that you wait until after all the water has circulated once through the pool filter. Unfortunately, this can take up to 8-12 hours, depending on the size of your pool and what chemicals you&rsquo;ve used.</p>

<h2>Use Waters Choice Pool Enzymes and Enjoy Your Pool Immediately!</h2>

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<p>On the whole, unbalanced pool water can turn into a nightmare quickly. A pool, being a large body of water is a BIG responsibility.</p>

<p>When using traditional chemicals, maintaining balanced and <a href="">sanitized water</a> requires regular consistent care as well as attention and maintenance.</p>

<p>Using <em>Waters Choice pool enzyme water treatment</em> will make you pool water upkeep simple, more efficient and enjoyable.</p>

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